Monday, March 29, 2010


“If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise."

- William Blake

I'm still here. Just in between studios and not working from my own computer. I have no access to my photos or other programs, so cannot load any new work.

Not that there is much new work. I have been very distracted by the improvements I have been making in my home in order to be able to move my studio back there. In the long run it will be well worth it, but it does take time.

So bear with me, if you are a follower of this blog. Summer will find me in a bright new space.


Vanna Vechian said...

Dear Erica,
what influence the old computer plays. Indeed, persist and it will improve (but not by itself.) If inspiration would fail, matters would be graver. And peace of mind, the mental space to settle down and create and give the inspiration a chance. My nearly legendary story 'Opening' is ready to write itself if I only give it the space. Perhaps I should prepare a segment, pass it to you for 'illustration' and place the sum total here! A cunning ploy.
Love, Vanna Vechian

V said...

I have been 16 years in that studio and it is time to move on. Of course, such restless feelings come during one of the worst housing crisis ever, but that is the way it is. When my husband offered the newly enlarged bedroom as my studio, I took him up on it right away. It will take a bit of work, of course, as did the current studio all that long time ago.

Looking forward to reading your new story.