Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Nearly a year after our trial in Grosse Pointe Park's Municipal Court, Judge Carl Jarboe has found my husband (not me!) guilty of "erecting signs without a permit". They are talking about my paintings, friends, not any kind of "signs" that I've ever seen before. The only sign I have on my property is a "Beware of Dog" sign.

Meanwhile, of course, all around me I see campaign signs, Halloween decorations and lawn sculptures, none of which required a permit and no one else has ever received a ticket for their decor or their particular forms of expression. Later, we will see Christmas decorations, including huge Nativity scenes that stretch from one end of the lawn to the other, and yes, painted flat cut-outs with Santa Claus and the Holy Family. What is the difference between those displays and mine? Only the City knows...muhahaha...

We are appealing, naturally.

Criminal Art

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