Monday, November 16, 2009

The Tease

This tiny tidbit is a very small part of a larger painting done to inspire my friend, Vanna Vechian, to write another bedtime story for us. You may remember that she wrote the very erotic Coffee Bar after a couple of my coffee paintings had been arranged in a collage.

This time the setting is quite different, but no less intriguing. We will be transported back in time to another era. But you will have to be patient and allow Ms. Vechian to weave her spell. This tidbit is just to whet your appetite for things to come.


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

OOh, I wish I didn't have so many projects going, it would be fun to write a bedtime story!

V said...

This will be a rather grown-up bedtime story, of course.

merrytait said...

Very mysterious! LOL!

We've been going to Belle Isle less because BB has some health issues--surgery Monday. Then, with the increasing warmth and his increasing good health--we'll be spending more time there.

merrytait said...

Maybe we'll run into each other again! :-D